Tutorial Video

How it Works

Input headers and sources

Click "Run": AI will populate your table.

  • The AI fills only blank cells. To re-run any cells, delete its content first, and then click Run

Headers and Data Sources:

Select sources above the row headers

  • Web search: CapGo performs a web search with sources

  • GPT: use ChatGPT to manipulate the generate info.

  • Find email: must refer to columns where there are someone’s name and company name. Example: “Tim Cook who works at Apple”

  • Verify email: must refer to columns that are email addresses

  • Search (past 1 week), (past 1 month): perform web search for results in a given time frame.

  • Concat: will concat cells together, similar to concat in excel. For example, Concat “Hi #A, #B”. If #A is “Sam”, #B is “You are great!”, the result would be “Hi Sam, You are great!”

  • Use '#' to refer to columns, for example, "Extract name from #B", or "Write a message about #A to #C"

Generate List

  • "Create list" on the top left: "list 5 AI companies", "list 10 content ideas about xyz", etc.

  • From text sources: Paste any article or website URL, and "Anything to table" template will convert it into table format. For example, inputting a speaker list website will format it into a table.

  • From PDFs: "Upload PDFs" to search through multiple PDFs simultaneously, useful for extracting information from resumes or financial filings.

Use Cases

Lead Gen, Enrichment

Find, Enrich, Qualify Leads

  • Input a list of companies, find key persons (CEO, CFO, etc), find their contacts

  • Input email, LinkedIn URL, CapGo can enrich key info of these companies and people

  • Use CapGo to search key info of your target to qualify them (see if they meet your criteria)


  • Write personalized messages in bulk

  • Use Google Sheet add-on to send emails in bulk

Mass-produce content

Programmatic SEO

  • Mass produce contents that cover a large number of SEO keywords

  • Since AI will only run in empty cells, you can input info into columns and let AI generate content

Repurpose cover letters

  • Input one cover letter template into column A, and write in headers to repurpose cover letters

Market Research

Industry research

  • Pull demographic, country, macro info from the web

Company, stock research

  • For competitor analysis, investment screening, etc